Friday, February 11, 2005

Liberty In Our Time

Liberty in our time, can we achieve it? That is a big question. We live in a time when what is black is white, up is down, hot is cold, and we are conditioned to think that which is gray is all that matters. The left is in control of our government, our media, and our entertainment industry and they use these institutions to work against all that makes America great.

The government creates unconstitutional laws, takes our money and uses it for immoral purposes or for things that we would not do if we controlled our money, and creates problems to come back and fix later. It is a mess, and while we are all working our derrieres off to fund it all, it keeps feeding on itself and we keep becoming more powerless against it. Our government and our elected leaders, with very few exceptions, no longer follow our Constitution and are therefore operating illegally.

The mainstream media have lost their objectivity, if they ever had it to begin with. It is so bad that they are overtly anti-American now and actually create news out of thin air, witness Dan Rather-biased's Memogate incident. The biggest tool they use to deceive is omission, that which they do not tell us.

The entertainment industry works towards the social change they desire by promoting anti-American and anti-Christian values and assaulting us daily with the full support of their pals in the mainstream media. Hollywood is now Hollyweird. Gone are the heroes with character like John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Audie Murphy, and Charleton Heston, never to be again. We fund our own demise when we support these modern day socialists, communists, and useful idiots.

What was once considered treason is now accepted as "protected speech" and Americans now overtly aid and abet our enemies, witness Sean Penn and Saddam, John "Ho Chi" Kerry, and the others too numerous to mention.

We must fight back and regain our One Nation Under God for our children, grandchildren, etc. Use the internet. Write letters to the editor. Engage the useful idiots of the left when they open their mouths and spout stupidity, political correctness, or the mainstream media lie of the week. Most of all, read. Read truthful history, but be careful where you seek it. There are many liars and deceivers in the publishing industry. Seek out Christian sources of information and open up your mind to the fact that you and I have been deceived, and it has been going on for a long time. It is ok to admit that we based our past beliefs on lies. It wasn't our fault. We must move forward without ego getting in our ways. We must be willing to let go of old beliefs and to engage our enemies and their sheep. We must win, not for us, but for our kids futures.